The Lakes at Rocky Ridge is a small, 600 household community situated in the North West of Calgary and comprises five individual Condo Corporations and a Manor Village Life Center. The Lakes at Rocky Ridge is operated by the Lakes of Rocky Ridge Condominium Association, also known as the 'Home Owners Association' or HOA. The HOA is incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta and oversees HOA property within the Lakes at Rocky Ridge community (flower garden and signs at the community entrance, the fence along Rocky Ridge Rd, the waterfall and the lookout at the corner of Rocky Vista Pk and Rocky Vista Dr and the Lake Club). The grounds, consisting of parks, ponds and tennis / volleyball courts, are owned and maintained by the City of Calgary Parks. While the HOA is not responsible for these areas, we do alert the City of Calgary to any areas within the grounds that require their attention.

The five members of the HOA board of directors are elected annually at the HOA Annual General Meeting (usually held in May). The Lake Club facility is housed in the basement of the Manor Village (a private residence managed by Manor Village Inc.) and available to all residents of the community to enjoy. While four of the HOA board members are elected from the HOA members at large (you must be a home owner to vote) the fifth board member is designated by Statesman, the company who developed the community and wrote up the original HOA by-laws.
The monthly fee that all home owners pay to the HOA goes towards maintenance of HOA property and the maintenance and support of the Lake Club facility, as well as activities and programs that are offered to the community.
Each of the five individual Condominium Corporations that make up the Lakes at Rocky Ridge community have their own elected board of directors that oversee property maintenance and address issues associated with each individual condominium association. Each of these condominium associations also charges a monthly condo fee in order to carry out its responsibilities. The five condo corporations include:
Georgetowns - Individual Condominium with separate Board of Managers
Brownstones I - Individual Condominium with separate Board of Managers
Brownstones II - Individual Condominium with separate Board of Managers
Pavilions I & ll - Individual Condominium with separate Board of Managers
The Villas – Individual Condominium with separate Board of Managers
Questions regarding how the community is organised and how the HOA operates for home owners can be directed to the HOA board at lakesatrrhoa@gmail.com.
Questions about the status of individual HOA fee accounts can be directed to Diversified Management Southern (DMS), the community management company employed by the HOA. DMS offices are located at 218-222 16th Avenue NE, Calgary. Alex Bilinski is the HOA Community Manager at DMS and she can be contacted by calling 403-230-7376.